Sunday, April 28, 2013

Daddy's got a gun.

Explain to me in detail the logic behind every second amendment rights spouting rube's declaration that they need to have a stockpile of guns to protect their home and family. I have been lower-middle class my entire life and have lived in lower-middle class/white trash neighborhoods all my life and have never felt in danger of someone coming into our home to harm my family. Additionally, my extended poor neighborhood dwelling family and friends have never had to defend themselves against home intruders. On top of that, we never heard stories of someone who knows someone who's related to someone else that were attacked in their home by wild blood-thirsty intruders trying to steal, rob or rape.
Never heard about it on the evening news.
Never caught wind of any urban legends about it.
So what the fuck are these idiots talking about? The chances of them having to pull out one of their guns to protect family and/or property against home invaders is astronomically remote and far outweighed by the highly increased odds of one of their family members dying by the same guns they bring into the home.
Being blinded by your own fervor is a sign of ignorance. O_o

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