Saturday, February 20, 2016

This is goddamned fantastic.

Read 'em and weep.

Impossible preseason predictions:
AL West - Texas
AL Central - Kansas City
AL East - Boston
Wildcards - Cleveland & Toronto
NL West - San Francisco
NL Central - Chicago
NL East - Washington
Wildcards - New York & St. Louis
World Series - Kansas City over Washington
#mlb #baseball #predictions

Saturday, January 30, 2016

I love the Fed.

I feel more than a little fed up with right wing leaning folk who harp on the existence of our central federal government. They bandy around words such as "bureaucracy", wastefulness" and "tyranny" without ever providing meaningful examples that would warrant such angst. It's so fucking disingenuous when they also enjoy all the things a strong federal government offers them. This is the way we as a people have organized ourselves and it works out very very well for the large part. Have they heard of the fire department? It's fucking amazing. If your house catches on fire, they'll come put it out. Is that tyranny or a fantastic socialist idea? Police are great. Interstates and roadways are fucking awesome. Government invented the internet and put a man on the goddamned moon. You can even send a letter or a package all the way across the country thanks to the government. Without a federal government there would be no American Dream.

Instead of pissing and moaning about talking points they hear from right wing media these lemmings should be grateful for all the things the government has done and does for them. We are the most free people in the history of people. So pay your fucking taxes and shut the fuck up.

Friday, January 16, 2015

AL Predictions

AL West
1. Los Angeles
2. Oakland
3. Seattle
4. Texas
5. Houston

AL Central
1. Chicago
2. Kansas City
3. Detroit
4. Cleveland
5. Minnesota

AL East
1. Baltimore
2. Toronto
3. Boston
4. New York
5. Tampa Bay

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Watch this now. Listen carefully.

President John F. Kennedy's "Peace Speech":

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Zapruder Film Slow Motion (HIGHER QUALITY)

Where do you think that head shot originated from?

Why, in 2014, do we not know the truth?

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The GOP love rich people more than America.

GOP antics may lead to a 'de-Americanized world' | MSNBC

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lucien Sarti

This is the man who fired the fatal shot at President John F. Kennedy, the shot from behind the fence at the back of the grassy knoll. The shot made famous by the Zapruder film. The shot that ripped off half of Kennedy's head. His name is Lucien Sarti. He was a French heroin smuggler and a hired assassin. There were two other shooters in the plaza that day, both positioned behind the Kennedy limousine, both got off shots, both gunmen are to this day unknown. No shots were fired from the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository window and Lee Oswald was having lunch on the second floor of that building at the time of the assassination.

Forget about everything else (how, why, who) for a moment and just adsorb the facts that you've just read. Now try to wrap your head around the fact that no one gives a shit. No one is investigating, no one is subpoenaing records from the F.B.I. the C.I.A or the Secret Service. At this moment in the United States, we accept this coup-d'etat and say to ourselves "Who cares? It was so long ago."

Lucien Sarti - just a hired deadly pawn, but ask yourself how he changed the world that day.

Friday, July 26, 2013


It's always felt strange to me when someone says they're proud to be an American. Proud? You didn't accomplish anything to be proud of. You didn't achieve this status through hard work and determination. You just happen to be born here. You could have just as easily been Peruvian. I tell you one thing I do feel; lucky. Think of all the hardship a young child in Africa has to endure just by being unlucky enough to have been born there.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ignorant Theory

Is it just me or does this whole intelligent design theory seem......desperate?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


There must be some way to keep ex-spouses from fucking up your childrens lives.