Saturday, January 30, 2016

I love the Fed.

I feel more than a little fed up with right wing leaning folk who harp on the existence of our central federal government. They bandy around words such as "bureaucracy", wastefulness" and "tyranny" without ever providing meaningful examples that would warrant such angst. It's so fucking disingenuous when they also enjoy all the things a strong federal government offers them. This is the way we as a people have organized ourselves and it works out very very well for the large part. Have they heard of the fire department? It's fucking amazing. If your house catches on fire, they'll come put it out. Is that tyranny or a fantastic socialist idea? Police are great. Interstates and roadways are fucking awesome. Government invented the internet and put a man on the goddamned moon. You can even send a letter or a package all the way across the country thanks to the government. Without a federal government there would be no American Dream.

Instead of pissing and moaning about talking points they hear from right wing media these lemmings should be grateful for all the things the government has done and does for them. We are the most free people in the history of people. So pay your fucking taxes and shut the fuck up.

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