Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lucien Sarti

This is the man who fired the fatal shot at President John F. Kennedy, the shot from behind the fence at the back of the grassy knoll. The shot made famous by the Zapruder film. The shot that ripped off half of Kennedy's head. His name is Lucien Sarti. He was a French heroin smuggler and a hired assassin. There were two other shooters in the plaza that day, both positioned behind the Kennedy limousine, both got off shots, both gunmen are to this day unknown. No shots were fired from the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository window and Lee Oswald was having lunch on the second floor of that building at the time of the assassination.

Forget about everything else (how, why, who) for a moment and just adsorb the facts that you've just read. Now try to wrap your head around the fact that no one gives a shit. No one is investigating, no one is subpoenaing records from the F.B.I. the C.I.A or the Secret Service. At this moment in the United States, we accept this coup-d'etat and say to ourselves "Who cares? It was so long ago."

Lucien Sarti - just a hired deadly pawn, but ask yourself how he changed the world that day.

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